Thursday 23 May 2013


Oh the want of spiritual inspiration in this house is deplorable!
Not only did my witch resent me for doing my business in the veg patch but she actually forgot to feed me dinner!!!!

I thought this familiar in training business was going to be hard. My witch has barely touched a candle in months, let alone our beloved moon ritual. It has been cancelled two months in a row now.
We need some inspiration I think.


I am to be abandoned. For a whole week! Off goes my mistress to who knows where!
On the positive side, this means I can do whatever I want, when I want, I can sleep all day and have a break from all this familar business. It's hard work you know.
And my witch has got me a new familiar box because I ruined my old one. Yay!

Saturday 27 April 2013

Lunar Eclipse

It rained all day yesterday. and i'm not a fan of the rain. my witch warned me not to go out in it but i did and i was shocked! so i went back inside pretty quickly i assure you. my witch then told me that it would stop soon but it didn't! it went on all day! and all night!!

April 25th was a Lunar Eclipse APPARENTLY. i didn't see any moon at all, let alone an eclipsing moon but my witch says that's because it was cloudy. which is a shame, because i would have liked to have seen that you know.

blessed be

Thursday 11 April 2013

Long hard day

Today was a hard day as my witch required my presence in a spell. It's hard work being a familiar because I'm determined to prove my witch I am up to the job. Even so I just couldn't resist the drowsiness when it came to the meditation.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

the demolition of an altar

today i am in shame indeed
for today i destroyed my witch's altar, completely ruined it. luckily as i am her familiar, the magick, protection, cleansing ect. was not disturbed but i assure you the altar cloth was.
my witch was very angry that i had messed up her altar, spilling all her sacred objects on the floor but eventually with my guilty help we fixed the mess and begun anew.

Sunday 31 March 2013

all these candles!

every night my witch witch lights a candle and sets up a mirror with a few gemstones every night just as i am dozing off. she looks deep into the mirror and murmurs quietly to herself. i find this behavior rather peculiar and for some nights this continued until i finally plucked up the courage and hopped onto her altar to investigate. my witch looked alarmed and tried to gather me up but alas she was too late and i burnt my poor whiskers in the candle flame :(

we quickly evacuated the scene and my whiskers were tended too. eventually my mistress admitted to having been in the middle of a true beauty spell. a spell she had apparently kept in the back of her book of shadows for some time and was determined to try out-it goes as such-

equipment: one candle of a light colour and a mirror. you may add personal objects that mean something to you if you want

method: every night for three nights light the candle, look in the mirror and reflect upon your good attributes. there will always be some, try not to be vain and don't think about anything you don't like-that doesn't matter. you will reveal your true beauty 

for now i think i'll stay away from candles

blessed be for tonight

Friday 29 March 2013


the Full Moon was hectic to say the least and my witch barely scraped a minute to honor the moon. my witch said she was going to go outside, and take her with me but when she realized the temperature was 0 degree's i think she did a double take.

Later the next day my witch decided to introduce me to her collection of gemstones to learn their properties. this was boring, but the citrine gemstone caught my eye immediately  it was so round and seemed to reflect light from all angles, it almost radiated happiness!!

when my witch left the room, i quickly grabbed the stone and made a dash for under the bed, and there i stayed feeling very content with myself, playing with the citrine. unfortunately it never lasts because when my witch noticed that her citrine had disappeared she looked under the bed and found me. i tried my kitty best to keep hold of the pretty stone but alas, my paws were soon pried open.

i thought i was going to be in trouble but instead my witch laughed and told me that "Citrine is a happy gemstone, it releases positivity and rarely needs to be cleansed. It's my favorite."

gemstones weren't my thing beforehand but now i feel my mind is changed and i must have my citrine gemstone in my  familiar box at all times.